Caldwell FFA
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Leadership Conferences

This teacher committee was formed in order to develop a more unified area and ensure there is a clear purpose for each leadership development conference that is sponsored and conducted by the Area. The committee will develop schedules, determine estimated costs, recommend a fee structure that allows each conference to be financially stable without being a burden to the area or the students who attend the conference, and serve as an adult advisory council to assist the Area Leadership Coordinator in the development of leadership opportunities for the FFA members in the area.

The committee will also examine possible sites and locations for conferences and make recommendations to the general teaching membership for consideration and adoption of those decisions.

The teachers who serve on this committee are:

Chairperson: Mindy Howard - Troy - Cen Tex District
Recording Member: Wes McCarley - Jarrell - Brushy Creek District
Members: Brandi Leire - Franklin - Brazos Valley District
Dawn Stratton - Elgin - STAR District
Emily Veraa - Leander - Capital District
Katie Grigsby - East View - Brushy Creek District
TBD- Cen Tex District


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